Insulator is a very poor conductor of electricity. Ex: Diamond
Resistivity, p > 109  Î©- cm
Free electron Concentration, n ≈107 electrons/m3
Energy Gap, EG>>1 eV

Metal is an excellent conductor of electricity. Ex: AI, Ag, Copper
p < 10-3 n - cm 
Free electron concentration, n = 1028 electrons/m3
Energy Gap, EG = 0

Semiconductor is a substance whose conductivity lies between these two. Ex: C, Si, Ge, GaAs etc.



For diamond, the value of energy gap EG is 6 eV. This large forbidden band separates the filled valence band region from the vacant conduction band. The energy, which can be supplied to an electron from an applied field, is too small to carry the particle from the filled valence band into the vacant conduction band. Since the electron cannot acquire externally applied energy, conduction is impossible and hence diamond is an insulator.


For Semiconducting materials, the value of energy gap EG will be about 1 eV.
Germanium ( Ge ) has EG = 0.785 eV, and Silicon is 1.21 eV at 00K. Electron can not acquire this much Energy to travel from valence band to conduction band. Hence conduction will not take place. But EG is a function of temperature T. As T increases, EG decreases.
For Silicon ( Si ) EG decreases at the rate of 3.6 x 10-4 eV /0K
For Germanium EG decreases at the rate of 2.23 x 10-4 eV/0K
For Si, EG = 1.21- 3.6 x 10-4 x T
For Ge, EG = 0.785 - 2.23 x 10-4 x T.
The absence of an electron in the semiconductor is represented as hole.

In a metal, the valence band may extend into the Conduction Band itself. There is no forbidden band, under the influence of an applied field, the electron will acquire additional energy and move into higher states. Since these mobile electrons constitute a current, this substance is a conductor.
When an electron moves from valence band into conduction band in a metal, the vacancy so created in the valence band cannot act as a hole. Since, in the case of metals, the valence electrons are loosely bound to parent atom. When they are also in conduction, the atom can pull another electron to fill its place.
In the energy band diagram, the y-axis is energy. The x-axis is wave vector K, since the energy levels of different electrons are being compared. The Ge has structure of,
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3dl0 4s2 4p2
The two electrons in the s sub shell and 2 in the p sub shell are the 4 electrons in the
Outermost 4th shell. The Germanium has a crystalline structure such that these 4 electrons are shared by 4 other Germanium atoms. For insulators the valence shell is completely filled. So there are no free electrons available in the outermost shell. For conductors say Copper, there is one electron 10 the outermost shell which is loosely bound to the parent atom. Hence the conductivity of Copper is high.