What is Network Topology?

Introduction :

The Physical and logical arrangements of nodes and connections to a system in a network is referred to as Network Topology. The different nodes includes the devices such as routers, switches or software switches/router feature are connected with each other.

The Network Topology plays a major role in functioning of the networks. Namely, the topology has a direct effect on network functionality. Choosing the right topology can help to increase performance of a network. The Network Topology also determine the locations of the sources and the destination of the traffic flows on the network. It also determine the fastest possible path for each traffic flows.

Types of Network Topology:

There are two types of network topology

1. Logical Network Topology:

In logical network topology, the data travels through the network between devices, independent of physical connection of the devices. Logical network topology examples include twisted pair Ethernet, which is categorized as a logical bus topology, and token ring, which is categorized as a logical ring topology. Logical network topology defines how a network is set up, including which nodes connect and how, as well as the pattern of data transfers.

2. Physical Network Topology:

In Physical network topology, the data travels through the physical signal transmission medium. Physical topology describe a network where different nodes and physical connections are present which contains wires, fiber optics and microwave. Physical network topology examples include Bus, mesh, ring, star, tree and hybrid topology networks, each consisting of different configurations of nodes and links. 

 2.(a) BUS Topology :

bus topology diagram

Bus topology is a type of network in which every computer and network device is connected to a single cable.The data transmission in this network from the one end to the another only in one direction. No bi-directional feature is present in bus topology. It is a multi-point connection and a non-robust topology because if the backbone fails the topology crashes.

Advantages of BUS Topology:

  1. Low Cost.
  2. Less Complex.
  3. Easy to Expand.

Disadvantages of BUS Topology:

  1. If the main cable breaks, the whole network system will crash down.
  2. In heavy traffic, the performance of the network decreases.
  3. The length is limited for the cable.
  4. The security is very low in this type of network. 

2.(b) MESH Topology :

mesh topology diagram
In a mesh topology, every device is connected to another device through a particular channel. In this network topology data can be transferred by using two different methods, flooding and routing.

In Flooding technology, the same data is transmitted to every nodes of the network without any routing logic.

In Routing technology, every nodes have routing logic, every data is directed by the routing logic to use the shortest possible distance to reach the destination,enable to avoid the nodes which have the broken nodes, there is also have a routing logic to fix those broken nodes.

    Advantages of MESH Topology:

    1. Robust in nature.
    2. Faults can be diagnosed easily .
    3. Security is very high.

    Disadvantages of MESH Topology:

    1. Requires more cost for cabling.
    2. Installation and setup are difficult in nature.
    3. Bulk wiring is required.
    4. The maintenance cost is high. 

    2.(c) RING Topology :

    ring topology diagram
    In Ring topology, the devices are connected in a way that it looks like a ring. The devices in this network connected with its exactly two neighboring devices.

    A number of repeaters are used in ring topology with a big number of nodes to prevent the data loss. the nodes are connected in a closed-loop configuration. Some rings pass data in one direction only, while others are capable of transmission in both directions. 

    The data transmission is unidirectional, but it can be changed to bidirectional by using 2 connections between each Network Node, it is called Dual Ring Topology. In dual ring topology, if one ring fails then the second one work as backup to continue the network connection. Data is transferred bit by bit and passed through every node of the network to the destination node.

    Advantages of RING Topology:

    1. Easy to expand and low cost in nature.
    2. The possibility of collision is minimum .

    Disadvantages of RING Topology:

    1. Troubleshooting and fault finding is difficult.
    2. Addition or removal of devices can affect the whole network activity.
    3. Security is less.
    4. If any of the computer system fails while network will collapse. 

    2.(d) STAR Topology :

    star topology diagram
    In Star network topology every device is connected to a single hub through a single cable .The devices can only communicate with each other indirectly through the central hub. This hub is with central node and all the others nodes are connected to this central node. Central node of this hub can be active or passive in nature. Active hubs have repeaters in them. Optical fibers, twisted pair or coaxial cables can be used in this network.

    Advantages of STAR Topology:

    1. Easy to troubleshoot.
    2. Easy to setup and installation.
    3. If any node failed to perform, the network remains the same.
    4. Faster performance.

    Disadvantages of STAR Topology:

    1. Installation cost is very high.
    2. Performance is depend on central hub.
    3. If central hub fails, then whole network operation crashes down.

    2.(e) TREE Topology :

    tree topology diagram
    Tree topology consists of a parent-child hierarchy in which a central node is present and all the other nodes are connected to it. Tree topology comprises the characteristics of star topology and bus topology. It can be expandable easily and widely used in wide area networks (WAN).

    Advantages of TREE Topology:

    1. Easy to expand nodes.
    2. Easy to detect network failure.
    3. Maintenance can be easily done.

    Disadvantages of TREE Topology:

    1. Requires bulk of cabling.
    2. Performance is depend on central hub.
    3. If central hub fails, the entire network will collapse.

    2.(f) HYBRID Topology :

    hybrid topology diagram

    Hybrid topology is a combination of two or more topology. Hybrid topology  provides exceptional flexibility, as they can accommodate a number of setups.This network topology is reliable in nature but very costly to implement.

    Advantages of HYBRID Topology:

    1. Easy to expand the number of nodes.
    2. Easy to detect and troubleshoot.
    3. Flexible and reliable in nature.

    Disadvantages of HYBRID Topology:

    1. Complexity in design.
    2. Costly to implement.

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